En video till om tortyren i NTC-styrda och "Nato-befriade" Libyen
Medical aid group suspends work because of torture in Libyan prisons – Dan Glazebrook
Länkar och rekommenderad läsning:
- Libya: Deaths of detainees amid widespread torture, Amnesty International 26/1 2012
- NATO’s Grisly Crimes in Libya: Extensive Evidence that NATO Deliberately Targetted Civilians, Farirai Chubvu, Global Research 27/1 2012
- Obama’s ”State of Delusion Address”: Rebuilding America With War Crimes, Finian Cunningham, Global Research 25/1 2012
- Independent Libyan Fact-Finding Mission, Stephen Lendman, War Is A Crime.org 26/1 2012
Också om hur ”rebellerna” ingalunda själva besegrade Gadafis styrkor:
- BBC finally admits western imperialist forces toppled the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, By Mark Urban Diplomatic and defence editor Newsnight, Global Civilians for Peace in Libya, 18/1 2012