För några veckor sen varnade Thierry Meissan, på Voltairenet.org för att Västmakterna förberedde en informationsattack mot Syrien.(1) Den syriska TV:n skulle stängas av och istället skulle en falsk syrisk TV berätta om hur Assad hade flytt landet och hur han förlorat inbördeskriget. Frågan är om man inte nu är ifärd med just denna operation. Informationen är emellertid förvirrande så jag vet inte vad jag ska tro. De som intresserat sig för Syrien och vad som faktiskt sker där, bakom den krigspropaganda som vi matas med i media, vet redan att ”oppositionen” sprängde en syrisk Assad-vänlig TV-kanal för några veckor sen.

Dessutom, jag har inte lyckats komma in på den syriska SANA:s engelska websida idag, utan får bara svaret att sidan inte kan öppnas, och precis detta är vad som sägs i syrisk TV (talet är på arabiska förstås men filmen har engelsk text):

Syrian SANA News Agency website is under fierce attack 07-14-2012

För övrigt förefaller norske generalen Robert Mood, som är chef för FN-obervatörna i Syrien, vara en man med mycket humor:

General Mood 4 July 2012

Men det finns många fler med en myckenhet av humor, eller vad ska man kalla det?:

All out civil war looms in Syria 8th June 2012

Syriska armén sköt på FN-observatörerna säger en man i FN. Återigen folk som menar att Assad envetet går in för att framkalla en fullskalig US/Nato-attack på Syrien. Jag begriper det aldrig – hur dumma är världens styrande? Jag är faktiskt och på fullt allvar undrande och inte alls ute för att bara uttala mig förklenande om de här människorna. Eller är det så istället att de anser att alla vi andra är så dumma så de kan lura i oss vad som helst? I så fall, är vi det?


1) NATO preparing vast disinformation campaign, Thierry Meyssan, Voltairenet.org 11/6 2012
1) Syria Update: What the News Isn’t Reporting, Tony Cartalucci,Land Destroyer 23/7 2012 (citat: It should be noted by readers that Al Qaeda was initially created by the United States and Saudi Arabia and has since been used to execute Western foreign policy up to and including both NATO’s recent operations in Libyaand now in subverting Syria.)
1) Please Be Aware, Friends of Syria 23/7 2012 (Citat: …..they started taking out Syrian TV channels, Addounia for instance is banned already by an EU resolution while all Syria TV channels were asked by the Arab League to be banned from Arab League Media body controlling Nilesat and Arabsat satellites, they attempted a couple of days ago to take Addounia out as I reported earlier here and Addounia moved to an Iranian satellite on the same orbit of Arabsat with a slight frequency difference. To be more aggressive and evil, twin channels were set up to each Syrian channel bearing same logos to broadcast staged, Hollywood styled fake news of the fall of Damascus, also as I showed in a previous post here yesterday a sample video of that.)
Syria’s Ministry of Information spotted a fake channel which started to broadcast from Al Jazeera office in Amman, Jordan bearing the Syrian state tv logo airing as of now patriotic songs to lure Syrian viewers and warned about it:

Rekommenderad läsning:
- The battle of Damascus has begun, Thierry Meyssan, Voltairenet.org 20/7 2012
- Kidnapped by Hillary Clinton Funded Terrorists, Friends of Syria 24/7 2012 (Citat: Today, I received news that a close friend’s SEVEN YEAR OLD COUSIN, was kidnapped on his way out of the mosque in Halab (Aleppo) by the “peaceful revolutionaries” and are demanding THREE MILLION DOLLARS for his return. This is what democracy and freedom is in their eyes; kidnapping children and demanding unbelievable amounts for ransom.)
– ‘Impeach Obama’ Bill: Use of Military without Congress approval ‘High Crime’, Friends of Syria 23/7 2012 (Citat: Republican Representative Walter B. Jones Jr. has come up with the resolution demanding Obama’s impeachment in case his administration starts another military action without the approval of Congress. This came as a reaction to the American Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announcing that in order to carry out the offensive, the US military needs permission from the UN and NATO alone. Min anm: Jag skrev om detta för några dagar sen.)
- German intelligence: al-Qaeda all over Syria, Friends of Syria 23/7 2012
- The Obama GITMO myth, Glenn Greenwald, Information Clearing House 23/7 2012 (Citat: Last week, the Obama administration imposed new arbitrary rules for Guantanamo detainees who have lost their first habeas corpus challenge. Those new rules eliminate the right of lawyers to visit their clients at the detention facility; the old rules establishing that right were in place since 2004…Och jag har ett bestämt minne av att Obama lovade att stänga Guantanamo och istället gör han situationen än värre för dem sitter där. Den mannen är galen och så nära att vara fascist man kan komma.)
- SYRIA: REGIME CHANGE AND SMART POWER. The rise and fall of Turkey’s Erdogan, M K Bhadrakumar, Asia Times 24/7 2012 (Citat: The New York Times reported on Friday, quoting American officials in Washington, that US President Barack Obama is ”increasing aid to the rebels and redoubling efforts to rally a coalition of like-minded countries to forcibly bring down the [Syrian] government”…..The New York Times said Washington is in close contact with Ankara and Tel Aviv to discuss ”a broad range of contingency plans” over ”how to manage a Syrian government collapse”.  The emergent operational plan is that while Ankara steps up the covert operations inside Syria (bankrolled by Saudi Arabia and Qatar), Israel will cross the border into Syria from the south and attack Bashar’s military and degrade its capacity to resist the Turkish threat. )
- The art of smart power, Hillary Clinton, New Statesman 18/7 2012 (citat: For the US, our historical alliances in Europe and east Asia remain the bedrock of our global leadership. The UK and other allies are our partners of first resort, working side by side on everything from stopping Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons to protecting civilians in Libya to achieving an Aids-free generation. ….But as we do this, there are universal principles that undergird the international order and must be defended: fundamental freedoms and universal human rights; an open, free, transparent and fair economic system; the peaceful resolution of disputes; and respect for the territorial integrity of states. (jaha, och hur efterlever USA denna regel?) These are norms that benefit everyone and that help all people and nations live and trade in peace…..America and our allies have come through a long decade of war, terrorism and recession. These continue to be difficult days for many of our citizens. But as I travel the world, I see evidence that our leadership is still respected and required. Yes, this is because of our military and our material might, but it is also because of our commitment to fairness, justice, freedom and democracy – not just to our own good, but to the greater good.)
- Who is fighting in Syria? Thierry Meyssan, Voltairenet.org 24/7 2012 (