Nu lägger de ner vårt värnpliktsförsvar.

När jag tänker på hur det var förra gången Sverige avrustade, samtidigt som det var var en finansiell kris och depression, då mår jag inte riktigt bra.

När finanskriser kombineras med sparpolitik kan det sluta väldigt illa.

Och varför inte läsa den här artikeln om vad våra allierade gör i Bagramfängelset i Afghanistan.

Varför kommer jag att tänka på kända koncentrationsläger från 40-talet när jag läser den här artikeln? Varför har jag svårt att se USA som frihetens stamort på jorden? Varför är jag rasande över att Sveriges regering och de flesta svenska partierna stöttar detta moraliska moras?

The Washington Post provided additional details through interviews with two youths imprisoned in the black jail. As one young man, Rashid, who is “younger than 16” described:

At the beginning of his detention, he was forced to strip naked and undergo a medical checkup in front of about a half-dozen American soldiers. He said that his Muslim upbringing made such a display humiliating and that the soldiers made it worse.

”They touched me all over my body. They took pictures, and they were laughing and laughing,” he said. ”They were doing everything.”

He said he lived in a small concrete cell that was slightly longer than the length of his body. Food was tossed in a plastic bag through a slot in the metal door. Both teenagers said that when they tried to sleep, on the floor, their captors shouted at them and hammered on their cells.

When summoned for daily interrogations, Rashid said, he was made to wear a hood, handcuffs and ear coverings and was marched into the meeting room. He said he was punched by his interrogators while being prodded to admit ties to the Taliban; he denied such ties. During some sessions, he said, his interrogator forced him to look at pornographic movies and magazines while also showing him a photograph of his mother.

”I was just crying and crying. I was too young,” Rashid said. ”I didn’t know what a prison looks like or what a prison is.”

Flamma stolt mot dunkla skyar ……


Andra läsvärda artiklar, först en om Israels propagandamaskin
- What Justice Goldstone Learned  the Hard Way, Neve Gordon,
så en om USA:s krig i Afghanistan och Pakistan
- Different Worlds. Droning On and On, J Mariner,
vidare en artikel om EU:s ekonomiska kris:
- What Happens When Deficit Hawks Set Policy. Meltdown in the EU, M Whitney,