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Nedanstående video, som handlar om R2P, Responsibility To Protect, presenteras så här:

As the world recovers from one humanitarian peace bombing in Libya, and braces for another possible intervention in Syria, many are now asking how it is that the so-called liberal left have become cheerleaders for the very wars of aggression they once pretended to deride. As long-time investigate reporter Pepe Escobar explains, an obscure international doctrine called Responsibility To Protect or R2P has been the main tool for shaping this new paradigm for the continuation of NATO’s imperial power grabs around the world.

(Min översättning: När nu världen återhämtar sig från en humanitär fredsbombning i Libyen, och förbereder sig för en möjlig intervention i Syrien, frågar sig många hur den så kallade liberala vänstern kunde bli hejarklack för de krig den en gång låtsades bekämpa. Som, den sedan länge verksamme undersökande reportern, Pepe Escobar förklarar, så har en skum internationell doktrin kallad Responsibility To Protect (Ansvar att skydda) eller R2P varit det huvudsakliga verktyget för att forma det nya paradigmet för en fortsättningen på Natos imperialistiska maktanspråk runtom i världen.)

R2P: Imperial Conquest by Another Name (utlagd 26/3 2012)

Man är benägen att hålla med den kommentator på YouTube som menade att R2P i själva verket står för Right to Plunder.


Rekommenderad läsning:
- Lessons of Libya for the anti-war movement, Agent of Change
- On the Ashes of a Nation (the fragmentation of Libya), resisting4ever 28/3 2012
- Hypocrisy Of Humanitarian Aid To Syria, Dr. Elias Akleh, Countercurrents.org 26/3 2012 (Citat:

Syrian citizens have the right to demonstrate peacefully demanding change in their government. Unfortunately the so-called Syrian opposition was not peaceful and was not political. It did not offer any political program and refused to negotiate with the ruling regime. It also rejected the new constitution that guaranteed democratic reform. They have turned armed terrorists whose goal is to topple the regime by force rather than reform it. Opposition is always political and never calls for armed struggle otherwise it becomes a coup. Some western and Arabic countries hijacked the demonstrations, and turned them militarized in an attempt to topple Assad’s regime. Foreign fighters; Lebanese, Libyans , Iraqis, Qataris, Saudis, Turkish, French, and American , were sent to Syria to train and arm rebels, who call themselves “Free Syrian Army” This armed militias are divided among themselves in different groups under different leaderships with different goals. They have occupied neighborhoods by force , destroyed oil pipelines, bombed bridges, car-bombed government buildings, ambushed Syrian security forces, and massacred pro-Assad citizens, at times whole families…..Syrian Assad’s regime has responded positively to his people’s demands, accepted Arab League’s resolutions, received international monitors, offered political negotiations through Russian mediation, offered a new constitution in a referendum to the people, and announced new parliamentary election on May 7 th . Yet arms are still flowing into the country.)

- The Position Of The Arab Left In The Syrian Crisis, Dr Salim Nazzal, Countercurrents.org 28/3 2012 (Citat:

Syria defied the Us in Iraq and much of the support to the Iraqi resistance came from Syria. It supported the Palestinian resistance movement and allowed it to operate politically in Syria with relative freedom, and supported the Lebanese resistance against the Zionist occupation. All these are undeniable facts despite the attempt of the opposition to underestimate it obviously to delegitimize the regime. And the regime in its turn accuses the opposition in getting support from the enemies of Syria like Israel to delegitimize the opposition. Om vänstern i Syrien, som inte hade något att invända mot protesterna i Egypten och Syrien: All Arab left wing was united in supporting the revolutions in both countries.
Men: It was obvious from the very beginning that the Arab left have a problem of how to respond to the Syrian protests. They bring the example of Iraq to support their argument that the western intervention lead only to more problems. And they are increasingly skeptical towards the role of the islamists in the Syrian revolution believing that the success of the Islamists would mean the end of the secular nature of the Syrian state.
They argue that if the regime has made some gestures towards Israel the western pressure would not have been the same. Besides they link it with the Israeli continuous threats to attack Iran accused to intend to develop military nuclear power. For them the plan to weaken Syria is a part of an overall plan to attack Iran and to divide Syria into several states for the benefit of the Zionist state which never conceal its intention to play off the social fabric of Arab societies with the aim to put the region into endless conflict.
In the view of this trend the political compromise is the best solution which stops the conflict and opens up towards gradual and peaceful change especially after the change of the Syrian constitution which ends the domination of the Bath party.)

- U.S. prepares basic plans to attack Syria, The Washington Post, 7/3 2012
- In Wake Of Syria Peace Plan, US Steps Up Bid For Regime-Change, Bill Van Auken, wsws.org 29/3 2012 (Kofi Annans 6-punktsfredsplan är inte, vad jag kunnat se, offentliggjord. Men av den här artikeln att döma handlar det nu, för Västmakterna, om att i första hand ena oppostionen, som är mycket splittrad och då får man problem  med kurderna och Turkiet, så:

A statement affirming the national rights of the Kurdish people, who constitute up to 20 percent of the Syrian population, was unacceptable to the leadership of the SNC, not to mention its Turkish sponsors. The Turkish government is waging its own bloody war against the Kurds inside Turkey, which has claimed some 40,000 lives since 1984.

The Erdogan government cannot accept an affirmation of constitutional rights of Syrian Kurds—a population that fled Turkish oppression between the 1920s and 1940s—for fear that it would strengthen the struggle of Kurds inside Turkey.

Washington has no intention of interceding on behalf of the Kurds. Erdogan boasted after his meeting with Obama in Seoul that it was “pleasing to see the United States at our side in the fight against the [Kurdish] separatist terrorist organization.” He said that Obama had promised to provide Turkey with Predator drones to aid in suppressing Kurdish opposition.


The official also called on the Free Syrian Army to stop operating as “gang-like” groups and subordinate themselves to the SNC.

A chilling indication of the character of these “gangs” was provided by the German news magazine Spiegel’s web site, which profiled the activities of a group of Islamist fighters who had held the Baba Amr neighborhood in the city of Homs before it was retaken by Syrian security forces.

The magazine interviewed several of these fighters in the Lebanese city of Tripoli. One of them, Hussein, said that he had been a member of a “rebel” death squad assigned to the execution of captured government soldiers and other perceived supporters of the Assad regime or those believed to be spies or traitors. He was quoted in the report as saying that he himself had decapitated four Syrian army soldiers with a knife.

He also reported that other “rebels” were assigned to an “interrogation squad” that tortured their captives until they confessed to crimes.

A second Free Syrian Army fighter, Abu Rami, said that the group had executed 150 men as of last summer, roughly 20 percent of its prisoners. “Moreover, when we realize that a Sunni is spying on us, we hold a brief trial for him,” he added, saying that another 200 to 250 people had been executed on this basis.

Mycket tyder på att den här planen endast är ämnad att fungera som en fälla för Assad-regimen och vad denna än tar sig för, så kommer Västvärlden och de ”erkänt demokratiska staterna” och västallierade, Qatar och Saudiarabien, att se till att regimen faller och samma våldselände utbryter i Syrien som man nu ser i Libyen, men som inte rapporteras om i våra stora media. Nu är ju den hemska Ghadafi borta så nu spelar det inte någon roll att många fler mördas och torteras där än som var fallet under hans regim.)

- America’s Love Affair With Terrorism,  Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich, Countercurrents.org 30/3 2012
- Rebels March Into New Libya With a Hangover, Rebecca Murray, IPS, 31/3 2012 Citat:

(The U.S. Army Command (AFRICOM) has an increasing presence across the region. ”We’re looking for ways in which we can be helpful,” says AFRICOM commander Gen. Carter Ham.

”I think the Libyans and U.S. would like to see improvements in Libya’s border security infrastructure, and there is a real need to develop some sort of border security force to provide the training and the equipment.

”Libya in general is part of AFRICOM’s sphere, and I think the Libyan government really welcomes the idea of a robust military to military relationship with the U.S.,” the official adds. ”They appreciate the value added having a strong relationship with the U.S., so we are just in the very initial phases now of figuring out what that means.)