USA – världsrekord i militära interventioner, hot och attacker
Dr Zoltàn Grossman har satt samman nedanstående lista över USA:s interventioner (och några hot om) militära angrepp mot andra stater samt militära insatser inom USA.(1) USA torde idag ha världsrekord vad gäller militära interventioner och krigande och ingenting tyder på att USA tänker sluta angripa andra länder. Tvärtom tvingar och/eller lockar USA fler stater att hjälpa dem i denna deras massmordiska och civilisationsförstörande verksamhet, däribland Sverige.
Många, kanske de flesta av dessa attacker har dessutom startats med propagandistiska lögner om orsakerna till dem. Folk i allmän vill inte ha krig men talar man om för dem, så att de tror på det, att en attack är nödvändig för att skydda det egna landet, då ställer folk upp bakom attackerna. Så gjorde även Hitler på sin tid – och lyckades lura sin befolkning.
SOUTH DAKOTA, 1890 (-?) Troops, 300 Lakota Indians massacred at Wounded Knee.
ARGENTINA1890, Troops, Buenos Aires interests protected.Marines clash with nationalist rebels
HAITI, 1891, Troops, Black revolt on Navassa defeated.
IDAHO, 1892, Army suppresses silver miners’ strike.
HAWAII, 1893 (-?), Independent kingdom overthrown, annexed
CHICAGO, 1894, Breaking of rail strike, 34 killed.
NICARAGUA, 1894, Month-long occupation of Bluefields.
CHINA, 1894-95, Marines land in Sino-Japanese War
KOREA, 1894-96, Marines kept in Seoul during war.
PANAMA, 1895, Marines land in Colombian province.
NICARAGUA, 1896, Troops, Marines land in port of Corinto.
CHINA, 1898-1900, Troops, Boxer Rebellion fought by foreign armies.
PHILIPPINES, 1898-1910 (-?) Naval, troops. Seized from Spain, killed 600,000 Filipinos
CUBA 1898-1902 (-?), Naval, troops. Seized from Spain, still hold Navy base.
PUERTO RICO, 1898 (-?), Naval, troops Seized from Spain, occupation continues.
GUAM,1898 (-?), Naval, troops Seized from Spain, still use as base.
MINNESOTA, 1898 (-?), Troops, Army battles Chippewa at Leech Lake.
NICARAGUA, 1898, Troops, Marines land at port of San Juan del Sur.
SAMOA, 1899 (-?), Troops, Battle over succession to throne.
NICARAGUA, 1899, Troops, Marines land at port of Bluefields.
IDAHO, 1899-1901, Troops, Army occupies Coeur d’Alene mining region.
OKLAHOMA, 1901, Troops, Army battles Creek Indian revolt.
PANAMA, 1901-14, Naval, troops, Broke off from Colombia 1903, annexed Canal Zone; Opened canal 1914.
HONDURAS, 1903, Troops, Marines intervene in revolution.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 1903-04, Troops, U.S. interests protected in Revolution.
KOREA, 1904-05, Troops, Marines land in Russo-Japanese War.
CUBA, 1906-09, Troops, Marines land in democratic election.
NICARAGUA, 1907, Troops, ”Dollar Diplomacy” protectorate set up.
HONDURAS, 1907, Troops, Marines land during war with Nicaragua
PANAMA, 1908, Troops, Marines intervene in election contest.
NICARAGUA, 1910, Troops, Marines land in Bluefields and Corinto.
HONDURAS, 1911, Troops, U.S. interests protected in civil war.
CHINA, 1911-41, Naval, troops, Continuous occupation with flare-ups.
CUBA, 1912, Troops, U.S. interests protected in civil war.
PANAMA, 1912, Troops, Marines land during heated election.
HONDURAS, 1912, Troops, Marines protect U.S. economic interests.
NICARAGUA, 1912-33, Troops, bombing, 10-year occupation, fought guerillas
MEXICO, 1913, Naval, Americans evacuated during revolution.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 1914, Naval, Fight with rebels over Santo Domingo.
COLORADO, 1914, Troops, Breaking of miners’ strike by Army.
MEXICO, 1914-18, Naval, troops, Series of interventions against nationalists.
HAITI, 1914-34, Troops, bombing, 19-year occupation after revolts.
TEXAS, 1915, Troops, Federal soldiers crush ”Plan of San Diego” Mexican-American rebellion
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 1916-24, Troops, 8-year Marine occupation.
CUBA, 1917-33, Troops, Military occupation, economic protectorate.
WORLD WAR I, 1917-18, Naval, troops, Ships sunk, fought Germany for 1 1/2 years.
RUSSIA, 1918-22, Naval, troops, Five landings to fight Bolsheviks
PANAMA, 1918-20, Troops, ”Police duty” during unrest after elections.
HONDURAS, 1919, Troops, Marines land during election campaign.
YUGOSLAVIA, 1919, Troops/Marines intervene for Italy against Serbs in Dalmatia.
GUATEMALA, 1920, Troops, 2-week intervention against unionists.
WEST VIRGINIA, 1920-21, Troops, bombing, Army intervenes against mineworkers.
TURKEY, 1922, Troops, Fought nationalists in Smyrna.
CHINA, 1922-27, Naval, troops, Deployment during nationalist revolt.
MEXICO/HONDURAS, 1923, 1924-25, Bombing, Troops, Airpower defends Calles from rebellion, Landed twice during election strife.
PANAMA, 1925, Troops, Marines suppress general strike.
CHINA, 1927-34, Troops, Marines stationed throughout the country.
EL SALVADOR, 1932, Naval, Warships send during Marti revolt.
WASHINGTON DC, 1932, Troops, Army stops WWI vet bonus protest.
WORLD WAR II, 1941-45, Naval, troops, bombing Hawaii, fought Japan, Italy and Germay for 3 years; first nuclear war.
DETROIT, 1943, Troops, Army put down Black rebellion.
IRAN, 1946, Nuclear threat, Soviet troops told to leave north.
YUGOSLAVIA, 1946, Nuclear threat, naval Response to shoot-down of US plane.
URUGUAY, 1947, Nuclear threat, Bombers deployed as show of strength.
GREECE, 1947-49, Command operation U.S. directs extreme-right in civil war.
GERMANY, 1948, Nuclear Threat, Atomic-capable bombers guard Berlin Airlift.
CHINA, 1948-49, Troops/Marines, evacuate Americans before Communist victory.
PHILIPPINES, 1948-54, Command operation, CIA directs war against Huk Rebellion.
PUERTO RICO, 1950, Command operation, Independence rebellion crushed in Ponce.
KOREA, 1951-53 (-?), Troops, naval, bombing , nuclear threats, U.S./So. Korea fights China/No. Korea to stalemate; A-bomb threat in 1950, and against China in 1953. Still have bases.
IRAN, 1953, Command Operation, CIA overthrows democracy, installs Shah.
VIETNAM, 1954, Nuclear threat, French offered bombs to use against seige.
GUATEMALA, 1954, Command operation, bombing, nuclear threat, CIA directs exile invasion after new gov’t nationalized U.S. company lands; bombers based in Nicaragua.
EGYPT, 1956, Nuclear threat, troops, Soviets told to keep out of Suez crisis; Marines evacuate foreigners.
LEBANON, 1958, Troops, naval, Army & Marine occupation against rebels.
IRAQ, 1958, Nuclear threat, Iraq warned against invading Kuwait.
CHINA, l958, Nuclear threat, China told not to move on Taiwan isles.
PANAMA, 1958, Troops, Flag protests erupt into confrontation.
VIETNAM, 1960-75, Troops, naval, bombing, nuclear threats. Fought South Vietnam revolt & North Vietnam; one million killed in longest U.S. war; atomic bomb threats in l968 and l969.
CUBA, 1961, Command operation, CIA-directed exile invasion fails.
GERMANY, l961, Nuclear threat, Alert during Berlin Wall crisis.
LAOS, 1962, Command operation, Military buildup during guerrilla war.
CUBA, 1962, Nuclear threat, naval Blockade during missile crisis; near-war with Soviet Union.
IRAQ, 1963, Command operation, CIA organizes coup that killed president, brings Ba’ath Party to power, and Saddam Hussein back from exile to be head of the secret service.
PANAMA, 1964, Troops, Panamanians shot for urging canal’s return.
INDONESIA, 1965, Command operation, Million killed in CIA-assisted army coup.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 1965-66, Troops, bombing, Army & Marines land during election campaign.
GUATEMALA, l966-67, Command operation, Green Berets intervene against rebels.
DETROIT, 1967, Troops, Army battles African Americans, 43 killed.
UNITED STATES, 1968, Troops, After King is shot; over 21,000 soldiers in cities.
CAMBODIA, 1969-75, Bombing, troops, naval, Up to 2 million killed in decade of bombing, starvation, and political chaos.
OMAN, 1970, Command operation, U.S. directs Iranian marine invasion.
LAOS, 1971-73, Command operation, bombing, U.S. directs South Vietnamese invasion; ”carpet-bombs” countryside.
SOUTH DAKOTA, l973, Command operation, Army directs Wounded Knee siege of Lakotas.
MIDEAST, 1973, Nuclear threat, World-wide alert during Mideast War.
CHILE, 1973, Command operation, CIA-backed coup ousts elected marxist president.
CAMBODIA, 1975, Troops, bombing, Gassing of captured ship Mayagüez, 28 troops die when copter shot down.
ANGOLA, 1976-92, Command operation, CIA assists South African-backed rebels.
IRAN, 1980, Troops, nuclear threat, aborted bombing, Raid to rescue Embassy hostages; 8 troops die in copter-plane crash. Soviets warned not to get involved in revolution.
LIBYA, 1981, Naval jets, Two Libyan jets shot down in maneuvers.
EL SALVADOR, 1981-92, Command operation, troops, Advisors, overflights aid anti-rebel war, soldiers briefly involved in hostage clash.
NICARAGUA, 1981-90, Command operation, naval, CIA directs exile (Contra) invasions, plants harbor mines against revolution.
LEBANON, 1982-84, Naval, bombing, troops, Marines expel PLO and back Phalangists, Navy bombs and shells Muslim positions. 241 Marines killed when Shi’a rebel bombs barracks.
GRENADA, 1983-84, Troops, bombing, Invasion four years after revolution.
HONDURAS, 1983-89, Troops, Maneuvers help build bases near borders.
IRAN, 1984, Jets, Two Iranian jets shot down over Persian Gulf.
LIBYA, 1986, Bombing, naval Air strikes to topple Qaddafi gov’t.
BOLIVIA, 1986, Troops, Army assists raids on cocaine region.
IRAN, 1987-88, Naval, bombing, US intervenes on side of Iraq in war, defending reflagged tankers and shooting down civilian jet.
LIBYA, 1989, Naval jets, Two Libyan jets shot down.
VIRGIN ISLANDS, 1989, Troops, St. Croix Black unrest after storm.
PHILIPPINES, 1989, Jets, Air cover provided for government against coup.
PANAMA, 1989 (-?), Troops, bombing, Nationalist government ousted by 27,000 soldiers, leaders arrested, 2000+ killed.
LIBERIA, 1990, Troops, Foreigners evacuated during civil war.
SAUDI ARABIA, 1990-91, Troops, jets, Iraq countered after invading Kuwait. 540,000 troops also stationed in Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Israel.
IRAQ, 1990-91, Bombing, troops, naval, Blockade of Iraqi and Jordanian ports, air strikes; 200,000+ killed in invasion of Iraq and Kuwait; large-scale destruction of Iraqi military.
KUWAIT, 1991, Naval, bombing, troops, Kuwait royal family returned to throne.
IRAQ, 1991-2003, Bombing, naval, No-fly zone over Kurdish north, Shiite south; constant air strikes and naval-enforced economic sanctions
LOS ANGELES, 1992, Troops, Army, Marines deployed against anti-police uprising.
SOMALIA, 1992-94, Troops, naval, bombing, U.S.-led United Nations occupation during civil war; raids against one Mogadishu faction.
YUGOSLAVIA, 1992-94, Naval, NATO blockade of Serbia and Montenegro.
BOSNIA, 1993-?, Jets, bombing, No-fly zone patrolled in civil war; downed jets, bombed Serbs.
HAITI, 1994, Troops, naval, Blockade against military government; troops restore President Aristide to office three years after coup.
ZAIRE (CONGO), 1996-97, Troops, Troops at Rwandan Hutu refugee camps, in area where Congo revolution begins.
LIBERIA, 1997, Troops, Soldiers under fire during evacuation of foreigners.
ALBANIA, 1997, Troops, Soldiers under fire during evacuation of foreigners.
SUDAN, 1998, Missiles, Attack on pharmaceutical plant alleged to be ”terrorist” nerve gas plant.
AFGHANISTAN, 1998, Missiles, Attack on former CIA training camps used by Islamic fundamentalist groups alleged to have attacked embassies.
IRAQ, 1998, Bombing, Missiles, Four days of intensive air strikes after weapons inspectors allege Iraqi obstructions.
YUGOSLAVIA, 1999, Bombing, Missiles, Heavy NATO air strikes after Serbia declines to withdraw from Kosovo. NATO occupation of Kosovo.
YEMEN, 2000, Naval, USS Cole, docked in Aden, bombed.
MACEDONIA, 2001, Troops, NATO forces deployed to move and disarm Albanian rebels.
UNITED STATES, 2001, Jets, naval, Reaction to hijacker attacks on New York, DC
AFGHANISTAN, 2001-?, Troops, bombing, missiles
Massive U.S. mobilization to overthrow Taliban, hunt Al Qaeda fighters, install Karzai regime, and battle Taliban insurgency. More than 30,000 U.S. troops and numerous private security contractors carry our occupation.
YEMEN, 2002, Missiles, Predator drone missile attack on Al Qaeda, including a US citizen.
PHILIPPINES, 2002-?, Troops, naval, Training mission for Philippine military fighting Abu Sayyaf rebels evolves into combat missions in Sulu Archipelago, west of Mindanao.
COLOMBIA, 2003-?, Troops, US special forces sent to rebel zone to back up Colombian military protecting oil pipeline.
IRAQ, 2003-?, Troops, naval, bombing, missiles
Saddam regime toppled in Baghdad. More than 250,000 U.S. personnel participate in invasion. US and UK forces occupy country and battle Sunni and Shi’ite insurgencies. More than 160,000 troops and numerous private contractors carry out occupation and build large permanent bases.
LIBERIA, 2003, Troops, Brief involvement in peacekeeping force as rebels drove out leader.
HAITI, 2004-05, Troops, naval, Marines & Army land after right-wing rebels oust elected President Aristide, who was advised to leave by Washington.
PAKISTAN, 2005-?, Missiles, bombing, covert operation, CIA missile and air strikes and Special Forces raids on alleged Al Qaeda and Taliban refuge villages kill multiple civilians. Drone attacks also on Pakistani Mehsud network.
SOMALIA, 2006-?, Missiles, naval, troops, command operation, Special Forces advise Ethiopian invasion that topples Islamist government; AC-130 strikes, Cruise missile attacks and helicopter raids against Islamist rebels; naval blockade against ”pirates” and insurgents.
SYRIA, 2008, Troops, Special Forces in helicopter raid 5 miles from Iraq kill 8 Syrian civilians
YEMEN, 2009-?, Missiles, command operation, Cruise missile attack on Al Qaeda kills 49 civilians; Yemeni military assaults on rebels
LIBYA, 2011-?, Bombing, missiles, command operation
NATO coordinates air strikes and missile attacks against Qaddafi government during uprising by rebel army.
Det är denna vanvettigt krigiska makt som våra svenska politiker anser att vi ska ansluta oss fullt ut till, i Nato, efter 200 år av icke-krigande (dock med FN-insatser varav somliga varit diskutabla) (2). Det fredliga Sverige är inte fredligt längre och världen börjar upptäcka den saken nu. Hemma i Sverige är vi ganska många som skäms över det svenska agerandet idag. Svenska krigsinsatser, som kostar oskyldiga människor livet, sker i allas våra namn.
Länkar (fler kan följa):
INTERVENTIONS, Dr. Zoltan Grossman
2) Skamlig Nato-anpassning, ledare Proletären, 10/7 2013
– The Korean War: what really happened? Redline Contemporary Marxist Analysis, 29/7 2013
- History of American False Flag Operations, 911
– When Drills Go Live: How to recognize the signs of False Flag Terrorism (Operations), KWAr,
– 17 False Flag Operations in AMERICA done by The FBI. YouTube 9/4 2013 (Det dystra är att ju fler som inser att regeringarna ljuger för oss, desto fler kommer att föra fram konspirationsteorier, sanna eller osanna.)
– The 3 Coming False Flags, Silver Shield, Don’ttreadon me, 9/6 2011
– Historical Examples of False Flag Attacks as Pretexts For War – Wikipedia, David Westerfield net 28/12 2009
– Governments ADMIT That They Carry Out Flase Flag Terror, 16/2 2010, Washington’s blog
– Kriget utan slut. Koreanerna besegrade USA – utan att få fred, Daniel Uppström, Proletären, 25/7 2013